e v a n s   a r c h i t e c t s

p r o j e c t   c a t e g o r i e s

We have had throughout the Firm's history the fortunate circumstance to be able to do a variety of projects, which are indicated in our Project List.  One group of projects is the Multi-family Field where we have had an extensive exposure that has kept us abreast of the latest technology and allowed us to develop a high level of expertise in this area of Architecture.



m u l t i  -  f a m i l y / m i x e d  u s e

We have designed and built many multi-family residential projects throughout the New Jersey.

c o m m e r c i a l

We perform most of our Architectural design in house but hire outside consultants for more complex designs.

We have dealt with a myriad of Governmental Agencies throughout our history and have had extensive experience in getting prompt approvals for submitted projects.

Throughout the years, we have had many  different  commercial projects.

c u s t o m   s i n g l e   f a m i l y  r e s i d e n t i a l

We have designed a variety of custom homes of many scales throughout  New York and New Jersey.

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c l i e n t   t e s t i m o n i a l s

"My NYC-based investor relations firm has completed two complete office renovation projects with Evans Architects and our experience with Matt Evans has been excellent. In addition to the office renovation projects in Manhattan, Matt Evans also managed an extensive residential project for us in Greenwich Village. In all cases, we found the Matt and his team to be creative and attentive and the working relationship was smooth and upbeat. We are delighted with the results of all of the projects.  Most recently, he designed our offices in a 10,000 sq ft. loft off of Union Square. The range of options offered and the problem solving that Matt provided enabled us to create large offices with a conference room while still allowing the spaces to feel open and inviting. He also served as a strong liaison with the landlord and contractors involved in the project.  We would highly recommend Evans Architects and Matt Evans for any commercial or residential project."

Joseph Jaffoni //  JCIR NYC

"Matt is very thorough, technically competent and good to work with."


Rich Kabobjian

e v a n s   a r c h i t e c t s

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evans architects

470 chamberlain avenue,

paterson, nj 07522


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